Photo Gallery: Run to 5th Chapter Estate Gardens and Lunch at Burrawang Village Hotel

On Sunday the 16th of September, 2018, John Carter and the TG Register hosted a club run to the 5th Chapter Estate Gardens and lunch at Burrawang Village Hotel. Scroll on, and enjoy some photos of the day thanks to Ingo Weinberger.

After Saturday gave us a preview of what’s to come in summer, Sunday dawned cold but clear. Cool running for the cars and a great day for a run, if a few degrees colder than perfection. The club met at McDonalds in Camden for the drive out to the 5th Chapter Estate Gardens in Avoca.

After enjoying the gardens, the group moved on to the Burrawang Village Hotel in Burrawang to enjoy a relaxed social lunch.

Enjoy these photos from the day, with thanks to Ingo Weinberger.

1 Reply to "Photo Gallery: Run to 5th Chapter Estate Gardens and Lunch at Burrawang Village Hotel"

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    Dominic David
    17 September, 2018 (6:42 PM)

    Wonderful photos once again … many thanks Ingo.

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