Collecting Cars AutoBrunch, St Ives Showgrounds

05mar8:00 am11:30 amCollecting Cars AutoBrunch, St Ives ShowgroundsCollecting Cars AutoBrunch by North Shore Sporting Car Club

Event Details

North Shore Sporting Car Club holds Collecting Cars AutoBrunch on the first Sunday of every month at St Ives Showgrounds.

The Motorsport Australia permit event has become one of the biggest cars ‘n coffee meetings in the state and usually attracts a large collection of cars, from the classic to collectible, to custom and curious.

The event is supported by Scouts, who also sell food on the day alongside CoffeeNOVA providing coffee.


5 March, 2023 8:00 am - 11:30 am(GMT+11:00)


St. Ives Showground

450 Mona Vale Rd

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