Robert Smith's Tour de Bathurst

10junAll Day12Robert Smith's Tour de Bathurst

Event Details


10 -12 JUNE 2023

Saturday: 9.00 am start at Café 2773, 19 Ross St Glenbrook (breakfast at own cost)

After crossing the Blue Mountains enjoy some great country roads before our lunch stop and more scenic roads etc. arriving at Bathurst for a noggin & natter.

Evening dinner at the Bathurst Golf Club

Sunday: Following breakfast some more fun driving roads before enjoying a country pub lunch & exploring the region further.

Of course, there will be some questions to answer & observations for you to find (just to keep you on the right track)!!!

Sunday evening: Our theme dinner dance at a special fun venue

Theme: Be creative with the letter “B”

Monday: Farewell breakfast then enjoy exploring Bathurst with a great heritage sites driving tour before heading homewards or on to your next destination.

Book in early as numbers are limited.

Reservations & payments will be set up on our Club Wild Apricot system



10 June, 2023 - 12 June, 2023 (All Day)(GMT+11:00)

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